Planning Processes, Forms and Applications


The Planning Division handles applications related to land use, and each of these applications have their own process. Planning Division staff has outlined the processes for the different applications:

Deadlines for the different applications can be found in the Planning Calendar(PDF, 106KB), Zoning Commission Schedule(PDF, 205KB) , and Board of Adjustment Schedule(PDF, 198KB) .


Pre-Application meetings are an integral part of the application process.

All subdivision proposals must be submitted for a Pre-Application meeting. Conditional Use Permit (CUP) proposals, Zone Change requests, any proposed annexation request, or other development projects that may have a significant impact on its surrounding area or on city services may be subject to a Pre-Application meeting. At the Pre-Application meeting representatives from the different City Departments review and comment on the proposed development and its potential impact on public facilities and services and any regulations governing development in the City.

Pre-Application Meeting Information


Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Solar) Loan Program 

Zoning Application, Compliance and Variance Forms

Other Applications

Please submit application(s) and fees to the following address with checks payable to: City of Helena, Community Development.

City of Helena
Community Development
Planning Division
316 N. Park Avenue
Room 445
Helena, MT 59623