If you live in a signed residential parking district, you must get a parking permit from City of Helena Parking.
Bring ID, vehicle registration, and a bill or rental agreement in your name, with the address in the residential parking district to City of Helena Parking office at 316 N Park Avenue, room 151, 406-447-8368
Each permit costs $30 and you may purchase up to two per household.
Also available are up to two guest passes for each household, at a cost of $10 each.
Vehicles parked in residential parking zones without permits may be ticketed.
Residential parking permits must be renewed each year by mid January.
View Parking Permits and Rates
Recent changes to residential parking districts:
In early 2013, the city manager, the parking director, and city staff agreed to try to resolve issues regarding current resident-only parking areas. Discussed among staff and residents were a variety of concerns including the cost to patrol residential areas vs. the income generated by permit purchases and citations. Staff also needed to resolve questions regarding the establishment of new resident-only parking areas. Staff identified the need to clarify the role of the City Commission in the establishment and withdrawal of restricted parking districts and the role of City of Helena Parking in the administration of those districts established by the City Commission.
To view resolution 20071, passed by the city commission in March 2014, which consolidated all residential parking district resolutions, click here(PDF, 148KB) .
On September 15, 2014, the city commission will consider a resolution of intention(PDF, 130KB) to remove certain districts from the consolidated list in Resolution 20071. The resolution of intention lists districts with little to no activity in the purchase of permits, indicating disinterest in continuing the district, and/or districts that would not qualify under the criteria set in the resolution.
To view the letter distributed to residents in August 2014, in areas proposed for removal of residential districts, click here(JPG, 395KB).
To remove a residential parking district, download this form(PDF, 225KB) and follow instructions in completing the petition.
To request the creation of a new residential parking district, download this form(PDF, 396KB) and follow instructions in completing the petition.
Download Residential Permit Sales Contract(PDF, 120KB)