Helena Parking

Welcome to the City of Helena's Parking Division. We manage paid parking lots and spaces downtown, residential parking districts, and more. Please review the following information and contact us with questions:
  • Free Fifteen Minute Parking is in effect Everywhere! The Passport Parking App is currently under construction. Please visit a physical Kiosk to enter your license number to ensure you receive your free fifteen minute parking. For the next two weeks, courtesy notices will be issued to assist customers in understanding the new changes.
  • Please contact the Parking Office to link your License Plate number to your Parking Permit for Lots and Garages.

Passport Parking App

The Passport Parking App is available for download!

Pay, extend, and manage your parking session with just a few taps. It's easy! Just park where you see Passport Parking app signs & decals, pay for your parking session from your phone, and be on your way. Please note, a $0.15 fee is applied per session on the app. No fees are associated with the smart meters or kiosks.

How do I pay for parking with the Passport Parking App?

  1. Download the Passport Parking app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.
  2. Create an account with your mobile phone number or email address.
  3. Park anywhere you see Passport Parking app signs & decals.
  4. Pay for your parking session from your phone.
  5. Extend your time remotely if you'd like to stay longer!

Parking Meter FAQ

When did the parking changes go into effect?

Parking enforcement with the new meter/kiosk program began on Sept. 3, 2019. Helena Parking ran a soft opening program for three months prior to allow for residents to get used to using the machines and working out bugs with the system.

View Parking Map:  Click here for parking map(JPG, 1MB)

How can I pay for parking when I go downtown?

All kiosks and smart meters accept debit/credit cards, Helena Parking Goldie tokens, and U.S. $1 coins, quarters, dimes and nickels. The Mobile Passport Parking App is also available for your parking convenience.

Is it safe to use my credit/debit card with the new kiosks and meters?

Tier 1 security is used in all kiosks and smart meter transactions, ensuring your information is safe and confidential.

I work downtown- What are my options for parking during the week?

Staff sell a variety of downtown parking permits. Please contact the Helena Parking Office and a representative will be happy to guide you in the right direction: 406-447-8368.

Do I need to put anything on my dashboard/windshield indicating that I paid to park for the day?

Parking Enforcement Officers use license plate recognition software to identify the vehicles that have paid so paper vouchers on the dashboard are not necessary.

If I pay to park in one area of downtown can I use leftover time in a different part of downtown?

Once you pay at an on-street kiosk you may park anywhere on the streets that house other on-street kiosks, until your time expires. This does not include metered areas or downtown lots. Remaining time does not roll over and cannot be utilized on another day.

What is the difference between a smart meter and a kiosk?

Smart meters manage single-space parking and a vehicle is relegated to that space once payment has been issued. Kiosks manage multiple-space parking and a vehicle is free to move about the streets if parking is paid at an on-street kiosk. If parking is paid in a lot, a vehicle must stay in that lot or purchased parking time is lost.

Downtown Employee Parking Permits

If you park all day downtown more than two days a week, it is often more convenient and less expensive to buy a parking permit. Permits allow you to park all day in designated areas—lots, parking structures, or on-street. The City of Helena Parking does not reserve parking spaces, but we do try to manage parking so that spaces are always available.

Permit Sales Contract(PDF, 120KB) 

View Parking Permits and Rates

Parking Permit Billing Statement / Invoicing Policy

Download Parking Permit Billing Statement and Invoicing Policy(PDF, 55KB)

Monthly Parking Permits - Single and Group Accounts:  

  • Permit Payments shall be paid in advance of the month the permit is to be issued, payment for each new month thereafter is due no later than the last day of each month prior. For example, renewing a monthly permit to be valid in April, must be paid by March 31st.
  • A reminder email is sent out advising all account holders their monthly permit needs to be renewed before the end of the month.
  • No monthly invoices or statements are generated for Single or Monthly Group account holders. If you would like to receive an invoice the following requirements must be met:
    1. Provide a copy of your business or agency policy requiring an invoice or statement for payment processing.
    2. The account must be converted to Annual Permit.
  • To avoid missing a monthly payment and assure that the account remains active, it is recommended to set monthly permit accounts up on reoccurring payment cycle.
  • Payments must be received and posted to the permit account on or before the last day of the month.


Annual Parking Permits - Single and Group Accounts:  

  • Annual permits are issued on a fiscal year cycle (July 1st – June 30th)
  • Permit Payments for the new fiscal year permits shall be paid no later than June 30th of each year.
  • A reminder email and invoice (if previously requested) are sent out advising all Annual account holders their permit needs to be renewed before June 30th of the current fiscal year.

Permit Payment Methods:

  • Credit or Debit Card Payments:

    Debit/credit card payments can be made online at https://helenamt.cmrpay.com  or in the Parking Office at 316 N Park Ave using a visa, master card and / or discover card.

  • Check Payments:

    To ensure that the account is credited properly, please write the account number and new permit month in the check “memo” field.

  • Make checks payable to:

    City of Helena Parking Division
    316 North Park Avenue, Room 151
    Helena, MT 59623


  • If a monthly or annual payment is late all allocated permits will automatically be placed back into the general permit pool. Due to high demand of permits in some areas those permits may not be available due to automatic waitlist notifications being sent to others who may wish to purchase a permit in a desired location.
  • Citations issued due to a lapse in monthly or annual payment will not be voided.

Outstanding/Prior Citations:

  • If a permit holders’ vehicle(s) license plate(s) have previous citations associated with it or receives one due to late/nonpayment, the parking permit does not become valid for use until all outstanding citations have been paid and may result in additional citations until past citations are resolved.   

Additional Parking Information:

  • All parking permits remain the sole property of the City of Helena Parking Division.
  • As a parking permit holder in good standing, you are responsible for timely payment of permit fees when due.
  • As a parking permit holder in good standing, you are responsible for maintaining accurate license plate information, including temporary tags.
  • All parking permits issued allow up to four (4) vehicle license plates to be linked to a permit. However, only one (1) of those vehicles can use the permit for parking in the designated permit location at a time.
  • The City of Helena expressly neither assumes liability nor implies in any form or manner that the vehicle is protected from any damage or loss while parked in any of the City’s parking facilities.
  • The vehicle owner solely assumes all liability and is responsible for all damage or loss to the vehicle or contents of the vehicle while vehicle is parked in any of the City’s parking facilities.

Always lock your vehicle and do not leave valuables in plain view!

Parklet Program

Click on the following links for more information on the City of Helena's Parklet Program. 

Parklet Application(PDF, 159KB)

Parklet Specifications(PDF, 400KB)

Non-exclusive Right-of-Way Permit Conditions - Parklets(PDF, 161KB)

Parking Ramp Information

Rates are $1.00/hour with a maximum charge of $8.00 daily. The FIRST FIFTEEN MINUTES is FREE between 8am and 5pm Monday - Friday. Free parking is available evenings, weekends and federal holidays. The two locations participating are the Getchell Street parking garage and the Sixth Avenue parking garage. Cinemark Movie Goers: Vehicle parking must be validated by inputting your license plate at the Kiosk located in the Cinemark Theatre building.

To address safety and security issues as well as system inefficiencies, City of Helena Parking has installed a security video system.

Don’t forget to have your license plate number!


Residential Parking

If you live in a signed residential parking district, you must get a parking permit from City of Helena Parking.

Bring ID, vehicle registration, and a bill or rental agreement in your name, with the address in the residential parking district to City of Helena Parking office at 316 N Park Avenue, room 151, 406-447-8368

Each permit costs $30 and you may purchase up to two per household.
Also available are up to two guest passes for each household, at a cost of $10 each.

Vehicles parked in residential parking zones without permits may be ticketed.

Residential parking permits must be renewed each year by mid January.

View Parking Permits and Rates

Recent changes to residential parking districts:

In early 2013, the city manager, the parking director, and city staff agreed to try to resolve issues regarding current resident-only parking areas. Discussed among staff and residents were a variety of concerns including the cost to patrol residential areas vs. the income generated by permit purchases and citations. Staff also needed to resolve questions regarding the establishment of new resident-only parking areas. Staff identified the need to clarify the role of the City Commission in the establishment and withdrawal of restricted parking districts and the role of City of Helena Parking in the administration of those districts established by the City Commission.

To view resolution 20071, passed by the city commission in March 2014, which consolidated all residential parking district resolutions, click here(PDF, 148KB) .

On September 15, 2014, the city commission will consider a resolution of intention(PDF, 130KB) to remove certain districts from the consolidated list in Resolution 20071. The resolution of intention lists districts with little to no activity in the purchase of permits, indicating disinterest in continuing the district, and/or districts that would not qualify under the criteria set in the resolution.

To view the letter distributed to residents in August 2014, in areas proposed for removal of residential districts, click here(JPG, 395KB).

To remove a residential parking district, download this form(PDF, 225KB) and follow instructions in completing the petition.

To request the creation of a new residential parking district, download this form(PDF, 396KB) and follow instructions in completing the petition.

Download Residential Permit Sales Contract(PDF, 120KB)

Where do I pay my parking ticket?

Parking tickets may be mailed in to the City of Helena Parking Division, at 316 North Park Avenue, Room 151, Helena, MT 59623, using the envelope provided. The City of Helena Parking Division will also accept your payment via phone at (406) 447-8368.


Where can I park with my disability parking permit?

The following information is intended to help you park with your disabled parking pass/placard in the Helena Parking District. If at any time you have questions about disabled parking in the City of Helena Parking District, please contact our office at (406) 447-8368 and a member of our administrative team will assist you.

Timed Parking (2-hour, 1-hour, 30-minute, 15-minute) locations:

The signed on-street disabled spaces in the Helena Parking District are available for hourly parking with a valid  disabled placard or license plate displayed, you can park in these spaces for the time limit specified on the designated signage of the location. In addition, if the disabled spaces are occupied you can park in a regular space for the time limit specified on the designated signage of the location.

Pay to Park Locations:

The signed on-street disabled spaces in the Helena Parking District are available for a maximum of 8-hours of parking per day with a valid payment and a disabled placard or license plate displayed. In addition, if the disabled spaces are occupied you can park in a regular space for a maximum of 8-hours of parking per day. The City of Helena also offers an initial 15-minutes of free parking in any 5960 zoned kiosk space. Hourly payment is required after the initial 15-minute free parking window has expired in a kiosk location. Payments for kiosks and metered parking can be made using zone 5960 in the Passport parking app or at any on-street parking kiosk.

Lots (1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 15):

The signed disabled spaces in pay lots are available for any vehicle with a valid payment or parking permit with a disabled placard or license plate displayed. In addition, if the disabled spaces are occupied you can park in a regular space with a valid hourly payment for the specified parking lot. Payment can be made using zone 5960 in the Passport parking app or at a parking kiosk located in the parking lot prior to exiting. If more time is needed for your intended trip, additional time can be purchased using zone 5960 in the Passport parking app or at any parking kiosk location in the Helena Parking District.

Parking Structures (6th Avenue and Getchell Street):

Signed disability parking spaces are available for any vehicle with a valid payment or parking permit and a disabled placard or license plate displayed throughout our public parking garages. In addition, if the disabled spaces are occupied you can park in a regular space with valid hourly payment for the specified parking structure. Payment can be made using zone 5960 in the Passport parking app or at a parking kiosk located in the parking structure prior to exiting the structure. If more time is needed for your intended trip, additional time can be purchased using zone 5960 in the Passport parking app or at any parking kiosk location in the Helena Parking District.

Passport Permit Parking (Vehicle License Plate Registered with City of Helena Parking Division):

A parking permit is required for parking in any space within a parking structure or parking lot or in designated street permit parking locations. Parking in the signed disabled spaces requires both a parking permit and a valid disabled placard or license plate. ** Please be advised the Jackson Street Parking Garage is a Permit Only Facility


How to Use the Parking Meters & App