Community Conservation

Helena is a community that passionately supports sustainability and conservation. The City is committed to helped educate residents on the various ways they can help us achieve our goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our carbon footprint. Below are a few of the ways you can support our efforts.

Residential Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

Did you know the City of Helena offers a zero-interest Renewable Energy Loan program to help homeowners install energy efficient upgrades? The program provides loans of up to $12,000, that can be paid over 10 years. This program is meant for homeowners to add renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, to homes. 

Since the programs initiation in 2016, 48 Helena residents have taken advantage of this energy saving opportunity. There are a limited number of funds available each year, so please contact the City of Helena's Community Development Department for more information. 

Click Here to View Application 


The City, in partnership with Lewis and Clark County, promote recycling through a number of locations around the Helena valley. In addition to curbside recycling services, residents can also recycle at the Helena Transfer Station or one of seven community drop-off locations.

Click Here to Learn More about Recycling in Helena

Water Conservation

Looking for practical ways you can conserve water?

Download the Water Wise Helena Brochure(PDF, 55MB)

Want information on the City of Helena’s Water System Master Plan(PDF, 39MB)

Water Conservation Tips

By conserving water and using it wisely you pay less. Not only will your monthly bill be lower but you can reduce the size of future water production costs, reducing everyone's costs. Below we have listed several tips to help you conserve water.

  • Fix all leaks. Even small leaks can add up to a substantial waste of water.
  • Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the water until it is cold. This avoids wasting water down the drain.
  • Don't let the water run when you brush your teeth.
  • Turn off the hose while washing your vehicle. Soak your car once. Turn off the hose and use a bucket of soapy water to wash the vehicle. Then turn the hose back on and rinse. Always wash it in the early morning or evening, this gives you time to wipe off the water reducing water spots too.
  • Water your lawn in the early morning, preferably or late evening. Avoid watering between 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM. Substantial water is lost to evaporation if you water in the heat of the day.
  • Water by hand. Don't use sprinklers that water the streets. Pavement does not grow with watering. When watering always be sure you don't waste water down the gutter.
  • Don't water every day, the lawn needs time to grow roots. If you water lightly every day the roots tend to grow up. This makes for a drought sensitive lawn with poor root growth.
  • Don't water until your foot steps are visible in the lawn. When you walk on your lawn the grass should spring back up. If it doesn't, it's time to water. The lawn may take on a slightly bluish cast when it needs water also.
  • Don't under water, it may damage your lawn and use up to three times as much water to restore your lawn.
  • Water 1/2" to 1" three times a week. Depending on your grass type and whether it is shaded, will dictate on how much you need to water. Go by how the grass is growing more than by any arbitrary number of inches to water.
  • Don't bag your grass clippings. You waste the grass as a natural mulch and expose the soil to direct sunlight drying it faster. Use a mulching mower or rake the clippings evenly over the lawn.
  • Don't over mow, leaving the lawn slightly longer shades the soil and does not stress the lawn as much. When it is really hot, let the grass grow to 4"-6" between mowing and then only cut about an inch or two.
  • Mow in the late evening or early morning. The grass weeps water from the cut ends.
  • Keep your sprinkler system tuned. A well designed and maintained sprinkler system can help conserve water. Adjust station timing to make sure that you are not over watering sections. Use a rain gauge to check. Install a rain sensor or turn the system off when it rains. Make sure that the spray patterns are adjusted, and you are not watering the street. Again, early morning is the best time to water.
  • Over watering can cause mold and mildew, damaging your lawn and turning it brown.
  • Don't over fertilize. Fertilizer can burn the lawn requiring extra watering.
  • Consider xeriscaping your lawn. Choose the grass, shrub, and trees that grow with the least amount of watering.