Bulk Waste Collection Service

Learn more about residential collection services

If you have purchased an existing home in the city limits, you should already have a garbage container. It may be an individual 96-gallon container or a 300-gallon shared container in the alley. If you do not have either of these containers, please call 447-8086 to establish service.

If the home is a brand-new construction, the property owner must come to the Transfer Station and pay a pro-rated solid waste assessment. You can pick up your permit at that time. Office hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. OUR OFFICE HAS RE-OPENED AS OF JUNE 1, 2021 for permit issue/replacements. We do try to cover the office during those hours but it would be beneficial for you to call ahead and confirm that someone will be in the office (406-447-8086) when you are planning on coming. Thank you.

Please bring the following items with you to setup service for new construction homes.

  • Photo ID
  • Closing Documents (proof of ownership)
  • Check - only form of payment accepted at this time.

For a map of trash collection service days, please visit our forms page.

Trash collection is impacted by federal holidays. Please see our list of dates on our department homepage where trash service is impacted due to closure.

Trash Can Do’s and Don'ts

  • Do - Residential customers must have their 96 gallon garbage container rolled out to the curb by 7:00 am on your regularly scheduled pickup day.
  • Do - Alley containers are shared; if one is full please place your trash in the next container with space.
  • Do - Please keep container free of all obstructions (snow, vehicles, excess garbage, etc.)
  • Do - After your container has been dumped – please remove it from the curb.
  • Do - Please bag all trash prior to placement in container.
  • Don’t - Please do not pile trash around containers.
  • Don’t - Please do not overfill your container. (if the lid does not close easily – it’s too full).
  • Don’t - Please do not put construction debris, branches, rocks, dirt or oversized items in the container. If these items are placed in the container, the container will be stickered and will not be dumped until prohibited items have been removed by the customer. The City is not responsible to correct or collect unathorized items.

Need collection for your business? We can help with that

The City of Helena provides solid waste services to Commercial businesses within the city limits. We provide 7 different size containers with pick up options up to 6 times a week.

To establish service, learn more about pricing, or if there is a missed container, please call 447-8068.


  • Please bag all trash prior to placement in container.
  • Please do not overfill your container. (if the lid does not close easily – it’s too full).
  • Please keep container free of all obstructions (snow, vehicles, excess garbage, etc.)

No matter how large or small your project, we have a container to fit your needs.

The City of Helena Roll-offs can only be delivered within the City Limits. Please call us at 447-8082, option 3 if you are unsure of your location. We offer two types of Roll-off Rental - see the descriptions below or give us a call to see which type of service will best meet your needs.

For all Roll-Off forms and applications, please visit our forms page.

Project Roll-Off Information

  • 10 day rental period - After 10 days there is a $5 per day charge
  • Excess weight will be billed at the current Commercial Solid Waste Rate of $56.75 per ton.
  • Delivery and tonnage noted are included in the price listed.
  • The prices listed are for a 10 day, or less rental. Whenever the container is serviced (dumped, and returned) - the billing cycle begins again.
  • Please Note: Do not overfill container. Debris and trash must not extend above the sides of the container. Overfilled containers will not be serviced until material is removed.

Size Dimensions - Max Days - Weight Limit - Cost

10 Yard 4h x 8w x 13long - 10 - 2 Tons - $130

20 Yard 4.5h x8w x 24long - 10 - 3 Tons - $195

30 Yard 6h x 8w x 24long - 10 - 4 tons - $260 

40 Yard 8h x 8w x 24long - 10 - 5 Tons - $330

C&D Roll-Off Information

  • Rate is for 20, 30 or 40 yard - 5 Tons included in cost
  • Current Rate is $240.45
  • Tonnage over 5 tons billed at current C&D rate
  • 30-day rental included in cost
  • Monthly rental charge past 30 days
  • Material must be C & D waste (see list for details). NO HOUSEHOLD TRASH
  • Solid Waste Supervisor will complete a Site Inspection
  • C & D Roll-offs will have an approximate 1½ to 2 hour servicing time
  • C & D Waste cannot extend past the sides and top of container. Overfilled Containers will not be serviced until material is properly re-arranged.

The Bulk Waste Collection Service is available to haul away large residential waste items you are unable to haul to the Transfer Station.  Stipulations include ensuring that it only takes the truck one to two minutes to load, ten to twelve bags max, branches cut into four-foot sections, items and bags should be neatly piled by the trash receptacle, and items cannot weigh more than 80 pounds.

***Please note The Bulk Waste Collection is only available for Residential properties (4-plex or less, paying the Solid Waste Assessment fee on Property Taxes). Commercial Businesses do not pay Solid Waste Assessment fees and are NOT eligible for Bulk Waste Collection Service. You must make arrangements to self-haul to the City of Helena Transfer Station, all waste disposal is considered Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT), we accept Cash, Check, Debit/Credit Card for all disposal.***

For Bulk Waste Truck requests call 447-8082, option 2.

For more information regarding the Bulk Waste Collection service, please call 447-8086.