Current Vacancies
The City of Helena is currently accepting applications for the following positions. Individuals who have previously applied for any of the listed board vacancies are encouraged to reapply.
ADA Compliance Committee
The ADA Compliance Committee acts as an advisory committee to assist in determination of reasonable accommodations. The Committee may review requests for reconsideration of complaints forwarded by the ADA Coordinator, make determinations as to the validity of complaints, and provide descriptions of the resolution of those grievances that have been appealed. The Committee may recommend priorities for making structural changes to public facilities, offer suggestions on how to achieve program accessibility, and review and make recommendations on employment practices and accommodations for compliance.
- One citizen to serve as a Medical Field Representative. Term expires September 1, 2027.
Affordable Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board
The Board is tasked with completing annual work plans, reports, evaluations, and budgets and making recommendations for allocation of TIF funding and any future amendments to the Downtown Urban Renewal District Plan.
- One citizen to serve as a Baning/Finance Representative. Interim Term expires January 31, 2027.
- One citizen to serve as an Engineering/Architecture Representative. Interim Term expires January 31, 2026.
- One citizen to serve as a Citizen-at-Large. Interim term expires January 31, 2026.
Board of Adjustment
The BOA deliberates on requests for variances from the City of Helena Zoning Ordinance to address any undue hardship caused by city zoning regulations on building a new structure(s), rehabilitating an existing structure(s), or expanding the existing structure(s) on such property. The requests are brought forth by citizen applicants and presented to the BOA by Planning Division staff.
- One citizen to serve as an Alternate Member. Term expires September 30, 2027.
Citizen Conservation Board
The Citizens Conservation Board was created to recommend, report on, and monitor sustainability measures undertaken by the City of Helena.
- Two citizens to serve as a Citizen-at-Large Representative. Interim terms expire February 28, 2026.
Golf Advisory Board
The Bill Roberts Golf Course Advisory Board supports City staff to provide the following: a public municipal golf course for users of all ages, abilities, and income ranges to enjoy; a goal of working towards the functioning of the course as a self-supporting entity; promote cost effective and efficient management of the course; a single, accessible forum for input from all golf course users.
- One citizen to serve as a board member. Term expires October 31, 2027.
Helena Public Art Committee
The Helena Public Art Committee’s purpose is to promote awareness and involvement in public art in Helena and to identify public art projects that enhance the image of our community and recommend such projects to the City Commission for consideration.
- One citizen to serve as a board member. Interim term expires December 31, 2026.
- One citizen to serve as a board member. Interim term expires December 31, 2025.
City-County IT&S Board
The Board serves as a strategic policy, advocacy, and customer representative for city and county departments and other end users. This includes reviewing service levels to the City and County from Information Technology and other services contracted by the IT department. Review will include, but is not limited to, specific services provided, the cost of services, and responsibilities committee members/customers have in preparation of the work by the IT Department, and work pending completion by the IT Department.
- One citizen to serve as an IT Executive. Term expires January 23, 2027.
City-County Consolidated Parks Board
A 1999 interlocal agreement between Helena and Lewis and Clark County established the City-County Consolidated Parks Board as recommended in the city and county parks, recreation, and open spaces plan. The board serves in an advisory capacity to the city and county commissions in parks, recreation, and open lands matters.
- One citizen to serve as a City Appointee. Term expires September 30, 2027.
- One citizen to serve as a School District Representative (alternate member; term is non-expiring).
City-County Consolidated Planning Board
The Board performs planning functions for the City and County and is the sole Planning Board to serve either or both governmental entities. Duties of this Board are to ensure the promotion of public health, safety, morals, convenience, order, and general welfare, and for the sake of efficiency and economy in the process of community development, the Board will prepare a growth policy and serve in an advisory capacity to the local governing bodies establishing said Board.
- One citizen to serve as a City Appointee. Interim Term expires September 1, 2027.
Tourism Business Improvement District
Resolution No. 19644, adopted on April 20th, 2009 created a Tourism Business Improvement District in the City of Helena. Per the resolution, the Board of Trustees is appointed by the City Commission and comprised of owners of lodging property within the District or their assignees.
- Two citizens to serve as an Owner/Manager of lodging property. Interim Terms expire June 30, 2026.
Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing Advisory Board
The Helena Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Helena City Commission. The Advisory Board will provide advice with respect to the following topics related to the City of Helena’s Urban Renewal Areas (Downtown URD, Railroad URD, and Capitol Hill URD): a) Annual work-plans, reports, evaluations, and budgets; b) Allocation of TIF funds for redevelopment projects; c) Amendments to the Urban Renewal District Plans; and d) Other matters as assigned by the Helena City Commission related to the Urban Renewal Areas.
Capitol Hill Urban Renewal District
o One citizen to serve as an Owner or Representative of Property within the District. Term is 3 years.
o One citizen to serve as an Owner or Representative of Business within the District. Term is 2 years.
o One citizen to serve as a Member at Large with vested interest within the District. Term is 2 years.
Downtown Urban Renewal District
o One citizen to serve as an Owner or Representative of Business within the District. Term is 2 years.
o One citizen to serve as a Member at Large with vested interest within the District. Term is 3 years.
Railroad Urban Renewal District
o One citizen to serve as an Owner or Representative of Property within the District. Term is 2 years.
o One citizen to serve as a Member at Large with vested interest within the District. Term is 3 years.