Water Mains

Use the following contact information during a water main interruption:

This section's primary responsibility is to maintain 227 miles of water transmission and distribution mains, 90 air relief vaults, 12 pressure reducing vaults, 1,647 fire hydrants and over 5,179 water valves. We continue to maintain and upgrade the existing water distribution system to transmit and meet the demands for city water customers. We locate and turn water on/off at property owners' curb boxes, and make taps for new and replacement services through permits issued by the Building Division. The section oversees the city leak detection, main flushing, repair and replacement programs, and fire hydrant flow testing and repairs.

We are building and will maintain GPS data layers covering the city water distribution system including fire hydrants and valves, water mains, valves and vaults.

Five certified water distribution operators staff the section.

Call Before You Dig

Call to have utilities located whenever you plan to dig. Utilities can be buried in the most unlikely places. Lives, property and time are always at risk at any depth. You can reach One-Call Locators at 1-800-424-5555 or 811 to have your utilities located. For more information visit http://www.montana811.org.

Water Service Turn-on Requests

To request water to be turned off/on call the Utility Maintenance Division, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. For service after hours, weekends or holidays, contact the Helena Police Dispatch Office at 457-8865, or 911.

Water Service Line Installation

It is the responsibility of the property owner per City Water Regulation 6-2-3, Rule 7 to install and maintain water service from the main to their building.

Water Main Taps

Water main taps must be scheduled through Utility Maintenance. Water main taps require 24-hour advance notice for installation. Water tap permits are purchased through the City Building Division.

Curb Box Locate

To request a curb box locate you can call Utility Maintenance Division, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Fire Hydrant Meters

It is against city ordinance to operate any water valves or fire hydrants. To report illegal use, please call the Utility Maintenance Division at 457-8567, or 911.

Water is sold from fire hydrants for the purposes of cleaning parking lots, controlling dust, and during construction.

A fire hydrant meter Rental Agreement form must be completed prior to meter installation. Water Division personnel will install and remove the hydrant meter upon 24-hours notice of request. If the temperature is below freezing, the fire hydrant must be shut off and the meter opened and allowed to drain after each use. Utility Maintenance will bill the applicant for water usage and any damage to the hydrant & hydrant meter. The water charge is the same as current city rates.

Fire Flow Information

To obtain fire flow information please fill out a Flow Form request and fax to City Engineering at 447-8442, or mail to 316 N. Park Ave, Helena, MT 59601, ATTN Engineering.