Preventing Frozen Service Lines

broken old water pipe underground


  • Weather scientists are predicting another cold winter, identical to last year. Last year’s sub-zero temperatures took a toll on resident’s service lines.
  • What is a service line? A service line is a conduit of pipe that brings good drinking water from the main to the home as well taking away waste water. The homeowner is responsible for this stretch of pipe. Buildings typically have a treated water service line and a wastewater service line.
  • Winter of 2017-2018 – 14 service lines were reported as frozen.
  • Winter of 2018-2019 – 148 service lines were reported as frozen.

What Leads to Frozen Lines

  • Sustained cold weather that pushes frost levels down.
  • Winter of 18-19, the first incident reported was February 3 and the last one on April 14.
  • Service lines should be buried at a depth of 6 feet, crews regularly find lines at a depth of 4 feet or less due to older construction (pre 1950’s).
  • Keep spaces, such as crawlspaces or basements above freezing temperatures. Far too often crews enter these spaces and they’re below freezing, causing lines to freeze.
  • When you have a frozen service line, always call Utility Maintenance 457-8567