Complaint Process
To file a complaint against an officer or other employee, you need to contact the department. Ways to pick up a complaint package are:
- Come to the department in person. We are open to the public Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. and can be reached at our main Administration line at 406-447-8479.
Our office is located at:
406 Fuller Ave, 1st Floor
Helena, MT 59601
- Complaint packages may also be picked up from any Helena Police Officer or on the first floor of the Helena City/County Building.
Complaints Must Be
- Filed in writing. Please completely fill out the form to include your name and contact information. If we need to contact you with any follow-up and advise you of the outcome, your name and contact information will be necessary.
- If necessary and under certain circumstances, the department will accept unsigned or anonymous complaints.
- Complaints may be turned into any supervisor in the department.
- If there are questions or concerns, please contact the Administration office.
If you need to make immediate contact during non-business hours, you may call our non-emergency line at 406-457-8866 and ask to speak to the Sergeant or supervisor on shift.
Complaint Package(PDF, 595KB)
Please fill out the complaint form in order to file a complaint. This will include all of the details, a way for us to gather more information, and to confirm your name. We may also need to reach out to you and advise you of our findings.