RFP Nature Park Stormwater Study
City of Helena Request for Qualifications for Professional Engineering Services for the Nature Park Stormwater Study Project #24-17
The Engineering Division of the City of Helena seeks the services of an engineering firm to provide services necessary to complete a study of the City of Helena’s Nature Park and the Cole Avenue Ditch for improvements to stormwater storage, treatment and conveyance. At the present time the City of Helena wishes to evaluate the existing Nature Park and Cole Ave Ditch stormwater system capabilities which conveys and provides partial treatment for the downtown area along with considering recommendations for implementation of a storage pond for at a minimum water quality treatment. The project will entail completion of an in-depth soil and groundwater study to determine potential implications to the groundwater table within downgradient properties, along with a study of the existing outfall system to determine what upgrades would be required downstream of the pond to reduce flood risk for properties along Cole Ave. Design recommendations will need to consider a controlled release structure with adequate emergency overflow and retainage of an existing infiltration gallery used to route water for treatment of VOCs in the aeration ponds at the City golf course. Final Scope of work and deliverables will be determined during final negotiations with selected firm, at a minimum selected firm will be required to provide overall project management, study of existing system/relevant existing data such as the current stormwater master plan, alternatives design analysis and environmental analysis along with any additional work to support conceptual designs such as topo and encroachment surveys and geotechnical studies.
RFQ must include:
- Engineering Firm and Design Team
- Project approach and understanding
- Related project experience with Municipal Stormwater Studies
- Schedule and capacity to begin design by February 1st, 2025
- Anticipated project tasks and hour schedule for each task
- RFP limited to 7 pages, one sided, no smaller than 10 pt. font, with one hard copy and one electronic copy of the RFP submitted to the City for review. Page limits do not include a cover page and resumes.
A City selection committee will select one or more firms submitting a proposal as finalists. Finalists may be interviewed and members of the project team designated in the proposal will be asked to present their qualifications, proposal, and answer questions from the selection committee. One finalist will be selected to submit a formal scope of work and to negotiate a contract with the City. If an appropriate agreement cannot be reached with the highest-ranked firm, the second-ranked firm will be invited to submit a proposal and negotiate a contract with the city, and so on.
The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and re-advertise, to waive any irregularities in the proposals, and to accept the proposal that best benefits the City. The City of Helena reserves the right to negotiate an agreement based on fair and reasonable compensation for the scope of work and services proposed as well as the right to reject any and all responses deemed unqualified, unsatisfactory or inappropriate. All proposals become the property of the City of Helena. The City is not responsible for costs associated with preparing qualifications statements and proposals in response to this RFQ.
Questions should be directed to Adam Jorgenson, at 406-457-8586 or AJorgenson@helenamt.gov.
Deadline: Tuesday, December 10th, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Submit RFP to the following address:
City of Helena – Public Works Department
Attn: City Engineer/Nature Park Stormwater Study
316 N. Park Avenue, Room 417
Helena, MT 59623