City Commission Approves Mill Levy and Bond Resolution
Published on February 27, 2024
HELENA, Mont. – On Monday, Feb. 26, the City of Helena Commission unanimously (5-0) approved a resolution that will place two initiatives for public safety funding on the June 4, 2024 Primary Election ballot. A Mill Levy increase is being requested to fund additional Police Department and Fire Department personnel. The City is also requesting voter approval to issue and sell General Obligation Bonds to fund construction of a third fire station and training facility.
The resolution is the culmination of planning efforts that were completed by both departments over the past couple of years. The Fire Department completed a Master Plan in 2022-2023, that identified the need for a new fire station North of the train tracks, and additional firefighters. The Police Department concurrently conducted on a Staffing Study that recommended additional personnel.
The permanent Mill Levy would provide funding for nine Police Department staff and 15 firefighters. The Police Department would add three call-taking officers, three detectives, two community resource officers, and one civilian crash investigator. The ballot question asks voters to authorize the City to levy up to 31.66 additional mills per year to generate up to $3,123,358 to fund the personnel and associated equipment needs.
The Bond request would allow the City to sell and issue General Obligation Bonds to fund the construction of the third fire station. As part of the bond question, the City Commission is also requesting authority to levy 5.66 mills per year, for 20 years, to pay for the debt service tied to construction of the new fire station.
City staff have provided several presentations to the Commission regarding the Fire Master Plan, Police Staffing study, and the current needs to enhance Helena’s public safety service. The presentations, planning documents, and resolution can be found at